360 Leadership: Assessments for Teams & Individuals
The Cadence 360 program can help individuals enhance their personal leadership skills. Our Team 360 can identify your team’s areas for growth and, with the Team 360 Plus, help develop a plan for improvement.
The Cadence approach is unique in that, rather than using surveys, our 360 analysts go deeper through one-on-one phone interviews. You identify the pools of participants to be interviewed, and only their feedback is considered in our analysis and report.
We take a holistic approach by investing more time into data collection, making room for candour and nuance. Our reports are based on thematic analysis, which looks for patterns within the data collected. Reports are also organized into several sections, with “areas of strength” and “areas for growth” as identified by the participants.
Why a 360?
Self-awareness is necessary to be the greatest version of ourselves – how easily we access our values,
thoughts, behaviours, and ways we view the world. Self-awareness is one of the most crucial traits for
today’s leaders, and developing this clarity enhances performance and accountability and improves
relationships, among many other benefits. However, self-awareness can only take us so far.
Knowing the perception of how we’re viewed by others is critical to our professional development. To
succeed in a business environment, you must understand how you show up to others.
360 assessments offer a glimpse of yourself beyond your own self-awareness.
What Are the Benefits?

- Insight into how others see you, beyond your own level of self-awareness debriefed by a Cadence coach.
- Improves performance and accountability and strengthens relationships.

- 60-minute debrief with team leader led by a Cadence coach.
- Identifies areas where teams can grow as well as ideas on how to bridge gaps.

- Includes 90-minute debrief with Cadence coach for leader and team members.
- Help developing an action plan with clear steps and specific strategies.
How a Cadence 360 is different
The Cadence approach offers a unique value proposition for leaders looking for more. Each experience is hands-on, transformational, and a vital cornerstone for our coaching program. Where most 360s use limiting surveys, we go deeper than any survey can through one-on-one phone interviews with our seasoned 360 analysts. We make space for candour and nuance to fully uncover opportunity and amplify potential.
We recognize that feedback is personal and can feel uncomfortable. Entering into a 360 can feel the same way. This is why our method, in collecting the data and in the environment we create, ensures you feel supported and seen.
The reports we generate are based on thematic analysis, a form of qualitative research focusing on
finding patterns within data. We take a holistic approach by investing more time into our data collection and applying a human touch to the process. We want to understand you and your environment better. In doing so, we can provide specific, game-changing feedback that will move the needle and help you on your career trajectory.
What you can expect
The data sourcing for our 360 reports is based on a pool of participants nominated by you.
All feedback is collected through one-on-one interviews, and only your selected participants have the opportunity to provide feedback.
No participant feedback appears verbatim in the report; only feedback and themes heard three times or
more during interviews are included. This approach minimizes the chance of capturing outlier behaviour that could be atypical or associated with a specific event.
Once interviews are completed, our 360 Analysts create a report based on identified themes that reflect two areas:
Areas of strength – Competencies you display that are perceived to contribute to your success at work. A competency may refer to a behaviour, skill, attribute, or attitude.
Areas for growth – Competencies that are not yet fully developed, overused, or underutilized strengths or behaviours that may hinder work success.
We then provide you with the report to review ahead of a debriefing call with a Cadence Coach to go over the analysis. Your participation is integral to this conversation and creating an action plan for coaching and growth.
Our 360 process provides a window into your current space as a leader. It will help you customize your own roadmap to better leverage strengths, fill gaps, and address blind spots.
The goal is to become your greatest self, and the 360 is a valuable tool to help you get there.