Balancing Your Energy Reserves

Investing Energy for Increased Happiness and Satisfaction

A lot of happiness is about where we put our energy. For most of us, the fundamental components of happiness are at our fingertips. Yet we often put a lot of energy into things that keep us away from activities that make us feel good about who we are. When energy is misaligned, we experience a range of adverse effects, including sleep disturbances, fatigue, and negative thinking. This session will help participants quantify their efforts and help shift towards balance for greater satisfaction.

Key Learnings:

  • The four elements of energy management; friends and family, work, passions, and spiritual.
  • The difference between useful energy and draining energy.
  • The connection between energy investment and energy management.
  • What negative motivators are, where they come from, and their impact on our overall happiness.

Key Outcomes:

Participants will walk away with strategies to:

  • Measure energy and satisfaction with an energy mapping exercise.
  • Move away from negative motivators.
  • Boost happiness and satisfaction.

Custom Courses

Our Custom Courses are created specifically for organizations whose requirements are not met through our core course offerings. Since they are created from the ground up, the process of course content development is collaborative and designed to match your vision.

If you want a custom course and aren’t sure where to start, just drop us a line! We enjoy being in the creative space with clients and building courses is fun, quick and never fails to generate great results.