Leading Through 1:1s 

Are your 1:1 meetings with direct reports as effective as they could be? Managers are often busy and want reassurance that the work is getting done. However, this can lead to 1:1s becoming mere status updates and to-do list reviews. Sound familiar? This course helps people leaders and managers transform their 1:1s into meaningful, development-focused sessions.  These strategies will also enhance 1:1s with managers, leaders, and peers, making them more strategic and driving your career progression. 

Key Learnings:

Learn about the power of the 1:1 meeting, and how to use them strategically. 

  • How to clearly structure 1:1s with direct reports.  
  • How to optimize 1:1 with managers, leaders, and peers. 
  • Best practices for 1:1 meetings.  


Key Outcomes:

Participants will leave with strategies to: 

  • Effectively drive the career development of their direct reports. 
  • Give clear feedback (positive and negative) to their team members and learn how to receive feedback positively. 
  • Turn existing 1:1s with managers or leaders into effective career-driving meetings. 

Custom Courses

Our Custom Courses are created specifically for organizations whose requirements are not met through our core course offerings. Since they are created from the ground up, the process of course content development is collaborative and designed to match your vision.

If you want a custom course and aren’t sure where to start, just drop us a line! We enjoy being in the creative space with clients and building courses is fun, quick and never fails to generate great results.